Packages & Pricing


If financial barriers exist for you please get in touch and we can discuss options.

Individually Booked Sessions

Packages of multiple sessions can be booked at a discounted rate (scroll down for more details).


Introductory Call

30mins | Free of charge

Before starting on our coaching journey together we will schedule an initial conversation to establish a sense of what you’re keen to achieve through coaching, let you know what to expect from the coaching process and give us both an opportunity to decide if I’m the right coach to support your work. You don’t need to commit to coaching before this call – if you’re unsure, just get in touch and we can take if from there.

Initial Coaching Session

60mins first session | £42

60mins first walking session | £45

To give you confidence in the coaching process, and in me as your coach, your first coaching session will be charged at a reduced rate with a 30% discount applied to the usual rate for individually booked sessions.

Follow-up coaching sessions

60mins individually booked session | £60

60mins individually booked walking session | £65

Walking sessions are charged at a slightly higher rate to take account of my travelling time to and from our meeting point.

If you want to explore coaching over a longer block of time (e.g. 90mins, 3 hours) please get in touch to discuss bespoke pricing options. Blocks of sessions can be booked at a discounted rate (details below).


If you prefer, coaching packages of multiple sessions can be booked in advance at a discounted rate.

4 session block

10% discount compared to individually booked sessions. Must be used within 5 months of the initial session.

4 x 60mins online or phone sessions | £216

4 x 60mins walking sessions | £252

6 session block

15% discount compared to individually booked sessions. Must be used within 7 months of the initial session.

6 x 60mins online or phone sessions | £306

6 x 60mins walking sessions | £357

8 session block

20% discount compared to individually booked sessions. Must be used within 10 months of the initial session.

8 x 60mins online or phone sessions | £384

8 x 60mins walking sessions | £448