

The experience of being coached can be transformative and illuminating and lead to you consciously making positive changes to your mindset, life and lifestyle.

But don’t just take my word for it –
here is what some of my clients have to say:

“Tamzin expertly provided supportive space for me to explore a number of complex issues. Through her coaching, I had several lightbulb moments, and shifted my thinking around problems I had been grappling with for some time.  Tamzin was insightful and encouraging, and helped me to arrive at a meaningful plan of action on a number of different fronts, both personal and professional.”

Polly C, Inverness


“I was a little nervous going into coaching but Tamzin is an excellent guide and immediately put me at ease. Not only is each session enjoyable but I always leave with a better sense of clarity and confidence in the topics we’ve covered. Tamzin has helped me refine my goals and challenge my existing thinking to clear the way for some epic moves this year - I’m looking forward to more!”

Harriet S, London


“Working with Tamzin came at a perfect time for me: right before I took on a new professional role. Tamzin's approach is thoughtful, considered and friendly, and the natural flow of the sessions helped me to challenge my own thinking. I felt supported throughout, with Tamzin helping me explore each issue I was facing, break it down and work out the practical steps to address it. Thank you!”

Stuart B, Glasgow


“Tamzin really helps you to dig deep and find the answers that you're looking for. She is so calm, and gently leads you to ideas and thoughts that are buried deeply. I thoroughly recommend working with Tamzin to get clear on your thoughts and how to plan the next steps to help move you forward.''

Justine A, somerset


“I worked with Tamzin to navigate my return to work after maternity leave. She helped me address a number of issues around this – from personal and professional confidence, to helping me clarify the values I want to hold at the centre of my life decisions moving forward. She was brilliant to work with on a personal level, and has also given me the tools to maintain a coaching mindset for future decisions moving forward.”

Libby P, Harpenden

“Tamzin is a natural coach - encouraging, questioning and challenging at the right points to help you craft and create change in your life, with your wants and needs at the heart of it. With her help, I gained perspective, clarity and the confidence to take the leap towards my next important step in life.”

Florence E, London


“I really enjoyed working with Tamzin, her kind and gentle approach was what I needed to delve a bit deeper into my thoughts and gain some clarity. I felt the sessions with Tamzin really helped to put my thoughts in order and identify achievable steps to help reach my goals.”

Naimah C, London

“From our first session together and onward, Tamzin has helped me realise my full potential and the possibilities that are out there for me. She has an innate ability to provide thoughtful reflection and insight that has helped guide and define my goals, plus the action I need to take to achieve them. I would highly recommend working with Tamzin if you have the chance!”

Amy H, London